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Patch Testing at Khuu Dermatology

What is patch testing?
We apply 80 different chemicals and compounds administered to the back to check for an allergy.

What kind do we use?
We employ the 80 panel from the North American Panel.

Why do we do patch testing?
Patch testing is most commonly done for allergic/contact dermatitis. It can also reveal persistent dermatitis as well as atypical allergen symptoms (dermatitis with unusual distribution).

How are patients scheduled for patch testing?
Patients will need a total of 3 appointments to complete their patch testing:

  1. Initial appointment: 15 min appt to administer patch test
  2. Second appointment: 48 hrs after application, 15 min appt for initial reading
  3. Third appointment: 72-96hrs after initial reading pt returns for Final Reading

Patient instructions
Patient must come to all three appointments and they can not be changed.
Patient can not shower until the after the final reading.
Patient should avoid any activity that can cause perspiration.

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